There are many other activities in close proximity to Bakka. Our top favorites are:
This railway takes you through the great Flåm valley up to a historic hotel, it opened in 1940.
This is the local brewery in Flåm which has taken Norway by storm. The brewery pub is a famous sight at the Flåm dock.
This historic hotel probably has one of the best views in the world overlooking the Gudvangen valley.
Fjord cruise between Flåm and Gudvangen
This cruise is a great way to see the fjord and from 2016 you can enjoy it on a brand new cruise boat giving you 360° view.
This view point gives you a great view of the Aurland fjord going into Flåm. It extends into the air at 640 meters above the fjord.
The Viking village is a place for memorable experiences, learning and fun activities. A place where you can interact with people re-enacting the past, all in accordance to historical elements.